Monday, 26 October 2009

Upside-down scholarship

A list of upside-down scholarship, found via Google Scholar

1. Upside-down ideas vindicated (BLM Hogan - 1995)

2. The baobab: Africa's upside-down tree (GE Wickens - Kew Bulletin, 1982)

3. Motor patterns for horizontal and upside down walking and vertical climbing in the locust (C Duch, HJ Pfluger - Journal of Experimental Biology, 1995)

4. Upside down: The paradox of servant leadership (S Rinehart - 1998 - NavPress Publishing Group)

5. Upside-down pendulums (DJ Acheson, T Mullin - 1993)

6. Looking at upside-down faces (RK Yin - Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1969)

7. Why swim upside down?: A comparative study of two mochokid catfishes (LJ Chapman, L Kaufman, CA Chapman - Copeia, 1994)

8. Whatever happened to the Kuznets curve? Is it really upside down? (G Glomm - Journal of Income Distribution, 1997)

9. Is computer technology taught upside down? (SP Maj, D Veal, P Charlesworth - Proceedings of the 5th annual SIGCSE/SIGCUE …, 2000)

10. Antipodean literature: A world upside down? (J Docker - 1986 - Overland)

11. Upside-down brilliance: The visual-spatial learner (LK Silverman - 2002 -

12. The parametrically excited upside-down rod: an elastic jointed pendulum model (J Galán, WB Fraser, DJ Acheson, AR Champneys - Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2005)

13. Turning the library upside down: reorganization using total quality management principles (DK Fitch, J Thomason, EC Wells - The Journal of Academic Librarianship)

14. Have We Been Thinking Upside-Down? (E Huffer, R Qalo - The Contemporary Pacific, 2004)

15. Why bats hang upside down: a biomechanical hypothesis. (DJ Howell, J Pylka - Journal of theoretical biology, 1977)

16. Can a Novice Be Viewed as an Expert Upside-Down? (IM Kinchin - School Science Review, 2001)

17. Trader Down Under: Upside down and inside out (M Bearman, K Duddy, K Raymond, A Vogel - Theory and Practice of Object Systems, 1997)

18. Don Quixote, the Hero Upside-Down (JM Sobre - Hispanic Review, 1976)